Opinion: Should Universities Have Community Groups?

A community group is a gathering of individuals with shared interests or characteristics for example a language group.


YES, (Julia Ngugi,Migori)

Universities can greatly benefit from having community groups. These groups foster a sense of belonging and support among students.

For example the KUCCPs in Kenya is the one responsible for placement of students in their universities of choice and some students can be placed maybe in a region where there is a different community speaking the language that is new to him or her. So, the student placed there may find it difficult to interact with others if they don’t speak the same language and by introducing this community groups in the university for example it may really help that student not only in socializing by others but also find a sense of belonging in his/her community and not feeling lonely or left out.It provide opportunities for networking and collaboration, and contribute to the overall campus culture.Many universities and colleges in Kenya have cultural weeks where students showcase there cultural activities like dances ,dressing code,food,music and their sometimes act a short story drama in order for others to understand where they came from and their history.By doing this it encourages collaboration and interaction among the students bringing unity and connection among them.They can also serve as platforms for students to engage in service projects like charity services for example ;a community group can arrange a project to help the less vulnerable in paying their fee or providing food for them. By doing so it enriches their university and college experience beyond the classroom.


NO (Ashley Khalenya, Migori)

A recent case in Rongo University where students fought after the presidential election results were announced, this is because the students had put themselves into two coalitions based on tribal lines, according to their communities, therefore making it hard to accept the results and agree to work with the newly elected office.

If students are encouraged to have community groups great differences arise among themselves, they forget that they are students and identify according to their communities and ethnicity,this is risky and way too dangerous as learning institutions are supposed to encourage and be for diversity and cohesion in every way possible,to help the students realise that they are all Kenyan and that no tribe is greater than the other,having ethnicity groups creates about superiority and inferiority of tribes therefore affecting students in higher learning institutions.


Written by Juliah Ngugi and Ashley Khalenya of Rongo University. 

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